Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Pista 1
Electric Guitar (muted]

Pista 2
Acoustic Bass

Pista 3
String Ensemble 1

Pista 4
String Ensemble 1

Pista 5
String Ensemble 1

Pista 6
Lead 1 (square]

Pista 7
O oh oh oh oh O oh oh oh oh He llo He llo On the T V in your face on ra di o oh It's a riot it's a riot they say no oh You are fran tic don't you pa nic let it go oh We are we are we are In the ci ties on the streets a round the globe oh They turn e very thing you love in to ver bot oh From the cra dle to the grave part of the show oh We are we are we are Ra di o hys te ri a He llo the end is ne ar He llo we 're still stan ding here The fu ture's just be gun On the dark side of the sun On the dark side of the sun He llo He llo All the wea pons in your head un der con trol oh with they ra dars they are cha sin' o ur soul oh time is ru nnin' but your fu ture's long a go oh We are we are we are Ra di o hys te ri a He llo the end is ne ar He llo we 're still stan ding here The fu ture's just be gun On the dark side of the sun On the dark side of the sun On the dark side of the sun On the dark side of the sun Will you stand the pain When I'm by your side will you fo llow me in to the ni ght They're not go nna get us We'll be al right And one day the dark side will shi ne For us For us He llo the end is ne ar He llo we 're still stan ding here The fu ture's just be gun On the dark side of the sun On the dark side of the sun On the dark side of the sun On the dark side of the sun